Networking can be a great tool to grow your business. Nevertheless, networking can take a lot of time between scheduling events, meeting people and building… [Read More]
5 Tips to Create Audience-Engaging Presentations
Meetings are necessary to promote relationships and ensure proper exchange of information. Thus, presentations must be engaging, passionate and relatable to influence the meeting attendees… [Read More]
5 Indispensable Virtual Leadership Skills
In today’s digital world, many companies have made the shift to a virtual workplace or a remote workforce, which allows employees to work from home… [Read More]
6 Tips to Switch Your Team to Remote Work
Switching to remote work greatly benefits companies in terms of hiring top talent and keeping their staff happy according to Albizu Garcia in his recent article,… [Read More]
5 Meeting Blunders You can Easily Fix
A recent article, 8 Meeting Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid by Howie Jones believes that meetings can be a major asset to companies when done… [Read More]
4 Tips for Efficient and Productive Staff Meetings
In an article, A Manager’s Guide To Effective Meetings by UWA says that as a manager and leader, maintaining communication with your staff is very… [Read More]